North Marian HS Digital Wall of Fame

North Marian HS Digital Wall of Fame

Anyone who’s been inside the gym at North Marion High School has seen the Huskies’ wall of fame, the place where the school has enshrined each of its first team all-state selections since it opened in 1979.

It soon will be getting a complete makeover and brand new, modern look thanks to some cutting-edge technology.

Soon, the North Marion Wall of Fame will be transformed into a digital video wall with touch-screen ability to call up any image and profile from over 40 years of all-staters.

With a growing scarcity of space on the gym wall and the aging nature of some of the framed photos, North Marion administration started looking for a solution to those concerns and found a start-up company with all the answers to their problems.

“Coach Parrish and I talked about this, maybe two or three years ago, maybe going to some kind of a digital version,” said Daran Hays, North Marion’s Athletic Director. “And Rocket Alumni Solutions is a company that I got in touch with and really like what they do and we kind of rolled from there. It’s obviously a massive undertaking but I like the idea of it.”

North Marion is one of several West Virginia schools to work with Rocket Alumni Solutions to digitize its athletic history and will be the first to install the digital wall of fame.

Hays is currently heading up a fundraising project to help finance the upgrades and can be reached via phone or email for more information.

The Wall of Fame photos and information have already been digitized and can be found online here.