How to Whitelist Emails
This article is going to give you a quick overview explaining what to do when you are not receiving email correspondences from us.
This could be because of a protection feature that the email provider of your organization is using. It is fairly common for schools to have settings in place within the email provider accounts that will cause certain emails to be blocked to avoid spam and phishing.
Therefore, the easiest and quickest way to solve this so you can receive further communication from is to whitelist our email address for your organization/users.
A whitelist is a cybersecurity strategy that approves a list of email addresses, IP addresses, domain names or applications while denying all others. IT administrators use a whitelist as a quick and easy way to help safeguard computers and networks from potentially harmful threats or inappropriate material on local networks or across the internet.
There are 2 ways to resolve this:
You can contact your organization’s IT team and notify them to add to your email provider's whitelist so everyone can receive further communication from Gipper.
Additionally, you can individually go into your email and whitelist it yourself. Below are step-by-step instructions on how to do this below based on the specific email provider you are using.
How to Whitelist an Email in Gmail
If you’re using Gmail as your email provider, it’s easy to set things up so that a given sender is whitelisted for all future communications. The Gmail whitelist process can be done quickly through the web client:
- Click the settings button (in the top-right corner of the screen), then select “Settings” from the resulting drop-down menu.
- Navigate to the tab labeled “Filtered and Blocked Addresses” to access information about your existing filters.
- Select “Create a new filter” and enter the emails or domains you want to whitelist.

To whitelist a single email address, for example, type the entire address. On the other hand, if you’re trying to whitelist every sender from a certain domain, type the domain alone, such as “”. This will tell Gmail to approve every message from a Yahoo sender.
- Click “Create filter” to approve the new filter, then mark “Never send to Spam” to whitelist every email within the filter. You can also choose to Star these emails, apply a given label, or mark them as important.
How to Whitelist an Email in Outlook
Whitelisting a domain or specific email address in is just as easy and works by adding the address or domain in question to a group called “safe senders”. An address that has been added to safe senders will be pushed to your inbox regardless of your spam filters. To add an address or domain to safe senders:
- Click on “Settings”, then “View all Outlook settings”.
- Go to “Junk email”, then choose “Safe senders and domains” or “Safe mailing lists” to select the domain or email you want to whitelist.

- Enter the domain name or email address you wish to add to Safe senders. Make sure to include the @ character for domain names in order to only whitelist emails with the exact string of characters you entered (and nothing more).
Alternatively, you can simply add an individual email address that has sent you a message to your Outlook Contacts. Though they lead to the same result, this method is quicker and more efficient than manually entering information.
Thanks for reading and we hope this was helpful! If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team via email at: