How to Create a Yearbook

How to Create a Yearbook

  1. Click on the profile you want to place a yearbook in. 
  2. Go to the settings tab (first tab)
  3. Click on Entry Layout Options
  1. Scroll down and select the yearbook layout
  1. Go to the media tab (3rd tab) and click “Editing Flip Book”
  1. If you have a PDF, upload the PDF into the modal. Note that the max file size for PDFs is 50MB. You can use a free online compressor if your PDF is over 50MB e.g. FreeConvert
  2. If you have images, upload them into the modal. If you’re selecting your JPEGs in bulk, select the first one, and then hold shift and select the last one. Then drag and drop them all into the upload modal. They will upload in the order that you selected them. Keep the modal open until they have all uploaded.
  3. Once you close the modal, click “Edit Table of Contents” if you would like one
  4. Add headings and their respective page numbers. You can also add subheadings underneath headings